One night so very long ago
the sky was dark, the wind did blow
The blast was strong and very cold
and clouds so heavy could not hold
the myriad hosts of little drops
that twirled and pressed against their tops
The bluster grew and doubled twice
now drops of liquid changed to ice
the frantic turmoil quickened pace
and crystals joining in the race.
connected found a shape to take
Until they became the first snowflake
before the snowflake fluttered down and
danced around upon the town
looked here, looked there, looked everywhere
saw all the people living where by chance
by luck by fate it fell
Then settled on the chapel bell
That Sunday morning people woke
the holy word of god they spoke
they thanked him for their night of sleep
and asked his daily watch to keep
then gathered on the chapel ground
they waited for the bell to sound
the sound it made would tell the story of
christ and how he came to glory
from birth to death upon the cross
to rescue us from total loss
his life and love were told so well
by loving strokes upon the bell
the snowflake settled safely there
had no idea what it would share
and as the bell began to chime
and came to sense that it was time
to slip and tumble find its way to final resting on that day
a little angel on the ground
looked up and wondered at the sound
and as the bell, its story told
reached out , her daddy’s
hand to hold
she stood up tall on little toes
and something landed on her nose
for one sweet moment near her eyes
the snowflake saw her realize
that shed been sent a gift from god
for her to know it seemed quite odd
then slowly melting without fear
it mingled with one angel tear
the bell was ringing, people singing
the little girl with the daddy clinging and
as they turned their leave to take
she gave her head a little shake
a moment later they were gone
but tear and snowflake both live on.
…Larry Fillingham